

Practical Area


Please note that we have updated our regulations concerning the Practical Area Module (10 ECTS). To pass the module, you are required to complete an intership (or several internships) with a minimum duration of 6 weeks. Such work can include internships at Chairs ordepartments at universities as long as this academic work is clearly related to identifiable work on specific academic projects. Note that the use of English as a means of communication during your internship or work experience is not a necessary requirement of the module; neither is the use of English alone a justification for the internship or work experience's suitability. You will need to find and organize these activities yourselves, and to obtain certificates of occupation and duration.


For information on potential internship areas and option, please consult our Practical Area Guidelines .


Please contact Dr. Christian Hoffmann to discuss your internship projects and plans during your second term. You are likewise required to fill out and sign a practical area agreement to ensure that your internships can and will be accepted.

General Information

Job-market experience outside the university is an important factor in your resume and will improve your chances of finding a job in the area of your choice. In our program, you therefore need to complete a practical module.

What does this contain?

  • 10 ECTS
  • six weeks in total (either one six week long activity or more activities adding up to a total of six weeks)


Possible Activities

Possible activities are:

  • internships in an Anglophone country
  • internships in a job related to your studies
  • work in an Anglophone country
  • work in a job related to your studies

Areas related to your studies may be...

  • Cultural organizations and institutions, e.g. museums, theatres, commemorative
    sites, cultural centers or institutes
  • (Inter-)national political or scientific organizations or institutions, embassies,
    publishers, foundations and trusts
  • Active participation in undergraduate and/or postgraduate workshops,
    conferences, or summer schools
  • Media & Journalism, e.g. film and television production companies, news
    agencies, news companies; broadcasting cooperations (radio, internet, podcasts,
  • (Higher) Education, e.g. translation and/or interpreting work; language teaching in
    language schools or workshops on ELT topics in a higher education setting
  • The Private Sector (this precludes work activities that show no clear link to the core
    principles and goals of the Master of English and American Studies, e.g. simple
    work activities in the service industry)

If you are unsure whether a certain activity fits the profile of the practical area, please consult with the program coordinator or the Master tutor beforehand.

? Colourbox - studiostoks


You do not have to register at Digicampus or Studis for the practical module!


After having completed the total of six weeks of practical experience, ...


  • gather the certificate(s) of your activities
  • write a 5-page summary of your activities
  • fill out?the practical area form

→ and?submit all of this?directly to the program coordinator.

They will register the ECTS manually after having received all three documents. Please note that this may take some time, too. Do not wait until the very last moment of your studies.

When to do it?

? Colourbox.de, Kasper Nymann

When shall I do the practical module?


  • you can collect certificates over the entire course of your studies
  • however, you must submit them during (not after) your last semester the latest

We recommend not to postpone this module until the very end of your studies. Finding an activity may take some time. Moreover, decide on your own whether you want to participate in an internship or work experience during the semester break or in addition to attending courses.

Further Information

Please note:

  • you need to find and organize these activities yourselves
  • you need to obtain certificates of occupation and duration

→?You can find news about internships at the noticeboards along the corridors of the English and American department (Building D, 4th floor). We also forward vacancies to you via the Digicampus Master Tutorial.


If you still need some help finding a suitable activity, please contact the program coordinator or the Master tutor. Do not wait until the very last moment of your studies to do so.

