

Ricardo Ruiz de la Serna

Ricardo Ruiz de la Serna is Associate Law Lecturer at San Pablo-CEU University (Madrid, Spain), an Associate Researcher at CEU Institute of Historical Studies and a practicing lawyer.

He is specialized in Criminal and International Law. He works, among other subjects, in antisemitism & Holocaust denial, hate crime and hate speech matters. He holds postgraduate studies in Islamic Culture, Civilization and Religion and in Criminal Investigation.


Since 2015, he is a member of the Spanish delegation at the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). He teaches law on hate crime, hate speech and discrimination at the Madrid Bar Association for the lawyers serving at the legal aid for victims of hate crime.?He has been the president of the Citizen?s Network against Antisemitism (2011-2015). He has been a visiting Lecturer at the Jagellonian University (Krakow, Poland), the Otto-Friedrich Universit?t (Bamberg, Germany), the Ludwig-Maximilian Universit?t (Munich, Germany), the Katholisch Universit?t Eichstadt-Ingolstadt (Eichst?tt, Germany) and the University of Applied Sciences- Utrecht (The Netherlands).

He is a regular contributor of TV, radio and newspapers on hate crime and hate speech matters.?


Am Dienstag, den 30.4.2019 hielt Ricardo Ruiz im Rahmen der?imwk | research talks?einen Gastvortrag mit dem Titel "Freedom of speech and its limits in the era of hate speech: the Spanish case".

Ricardo Ruiz
