

Appreciate the Troublemakers. Becoming European citizens in the Anti-TTIP-protests.

Project description

Doctoral thesis from Nora Schr?der


In my dissertation, I analyze the different ways of experiencing oneself as a European citizen in transnational protest. My empirical work is based on the resistance to the transatlantic free trade agreement (TTIP), which I analyze as “acts of citizenship” (Isin and Nielson, 2008). Collective (European) political experiences have the potential to set identification processes in motion. In my dissertation, I reconstruct such political subjectivation processes of participants in the Anti-TTIP protests. In contrast to pre-set criteria of (good) European citizenship, I contribute to highlighting the diversity of meanings of citizenship by researching from a bottom-up perspective. Findings show great richness in the interviewees' ways of being and acting as European citizens.

In contrast to following pre-set criteria of (good) European citizenship, my research?contributes to highlight?the diversity of meanings of citizenship. Researching from a bottom-up perspective allows me to illuminate how the?contested?concept of "European citizenship" is interpretated in practice. In fact, findings show great richness in the interviewees' ways of being and acting as European citizens.


  • Schr?der, Nora Sophie (2021): Towards a Multiplicity of European Citizenship – Discovering the potential of the Anti-TTIP-Protests. In: Machin; Meidert (Hg.): Political Identification in Europe: Community in Crisis?, Emerald, 61-74.

  • Schr?der, Nora Sophie (2020): Die “Troublemaker”, in: Sozialwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 60:30, 3-20.

  • Schr?der, Nora Sophie (2020): Demokratiebildung in der Lehre, in: Lehrgut-Blog;

  • Schr?der, Nora Sophie (2018): Perspektiven der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung auf Europa: Konflikte und ihr Potenzial für die Konkrete Utopie einer europ?ischen BürgerInnenschaft. in: Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution: Welt im Umbruch, ASPR Report No 1, 44-51.

  • Schr?der, Nora Sophie (2017): A Civic Studies Perspective on European Citizens: In Search for Potential in the Conflict surrounding TTIP, in: European Societies and Politics, published online: 16.08.2017.

  • Schr?der, Nora Sophie (2014): Active European Citizenship between Action and Vision: “Doing Europe” as an alternative Approach to European Identity Construction, in: Open Citizenship: Youth in Europe - A lost Generation?, Vol. 5 No.2.


Contact Person

wissenschafltiche Mitarbeiterin
Politikwissenschaft, Friedens- und Konfliktforschung


