



Ecological Ambivalence, Complexity, and Change. Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities. Eds. Simone Müller, Matthias Schmidt, and Kirsten Twelbeck. London: Routledge, 2025.


Beyond the Civil War Hospital: The Rhetoric of Healing and Democratization in Northern Reconstruction Writing. Bielefeld: transcript, 2018 (438 Pages).


No Korean is Whole – Wherever He or She May Be: Erfindungen von Korean America seit 1965. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2002 (309 Pages).




"Introduction." With Simone M. Müller and Matthias Schmidt. Ecological Ambivalence, Complexity, and Change. Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities. Eds. Simone Müller, Matthias Schmidt, and Kirsten Twelbeck. London: Routledge, 2025. 1-10.?


"Against all Odds: Managing Ambivalence in Philippe Squarzoni’s Graphic Novel Climate Changed."??Overcoming Ecological Ambivalence: Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities. Eds. Simone Müller, Matthias Schmidt, and Kirsten Twelbeck. London: Routledge, 2025. 210-231.?


"Community Engagement and Participation in ‘Wheatfield. A Confrontation’." Participation in/through Language, Literature, and Culture. Eds. P. L?ffler, M. Peterfy, N. Rauscher, W. Werner. Heidelberg: Winter, 2024. 242-258.


"Civil War 'Supercrip'. John Smith's Funny ??? Adventures as a One-Legged Soldier." Narrating, Representing, Reflecting ‘Disability’. 21st Century ‘American’ Perspectives. Eds. Wilfried Raussert and Sarah-Lena Essifi. American Frictions Series 10. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2024. 195-210.


"Chinatown Aftershock. Reimagining Urban Resilience after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake."?Narrative der Resilienz/Narratives of Resilience. Eds. Kate Rigby and Evi Zemanek.?Stuttgart: Metzler (forthcoming).


"A Contested Field. Wheatfield and the Politics of Representations."?Kulturen im Anthropoz?n. Eine interdisziplin?re

Herausforderung.?Hrsg. Nora Zapf, Teresa Millesi, Martin Coy. München: Oekom, 2022. 139-157.


“Die Kunst der Nachhaltigkeit: Agnes Denes’ `Wheatfield. A Confrontation`.” Environmental Humanities: Konzepte, Themen, Forschungsperspektiven. Ed. by Matthias Schmidt and Hubert Schmidt. G?ttingen: V&R Unipress, 2021. 333-347.


“Weizen.” Podcast for the Museum Brot&Kunst, Ulm. March 2021. https://museumbrotundkunst.de/


“Wheat Power in American Culture. Between Politics and Plant Desire.” GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society vol. 29, no. 4 (2020). Focus edition “Environmental Humanities.” 235-242. (3 interdisciplinary peer reviews. 3rd Annual Prize of GAIA magazine).


“Rites of Renewal: Imperialist Encounters in the Work of Jack London.” Shifting Grounds: Cultural Tectonics along the Pacific Rim. Eds. Jutta Ernst and Brigitte Johanna Glaser. Heidelberg: Winter 2020. 169-190.


“The Toast Hawaii / Pumpernickel Divide.” Foodfatnessfitness.com (1 April 2020).


“Flowers.” An Eclectic Bestiary: Encounters in a More-than-Human World. Eds. Birgit Spengler and Babette Tischleder. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019. 53-63.


“Literaturwissenschaft als interkulturelles Training am Beispiel der koreanisch-amerikanischen Literatur“. Sprache, Flucht, Migration: Kritische, historische und p?dagogische Ann?herungen. Ed. Radhika Natarajan. Wiesbaden: Springer 2018. 437-446.


“Owning Human Nature? Literary Knowledge Production and the Life Sciences. Eds. Katrin Hoepker and Heike Sch?fer. LWU Quarterly 48.3 (2017). 165-178.


“The Civil War Nurse and the Veteran: Dependency and Separation.” Women in America. Eds. Carmen Birkle and Justine Tally. European Journal of American Studies. 10:1?(2015). 32 pages. http://ejas.revues.org/10761.


“Eden Refound(ed): Post Civil War Literary Gardening.” Rereading The Machine in the Garden. Eds. Eric Erbacher, Florian Sedlmeier and Nicole Maruo-Schr?der. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 2014. 58-76.


“How Far Could They Go? Imprisoned Nurses, Unsexed Angels, and the Transformation of True Womanhood in Civil War America.” Communicating Disease: Cultural Representations of American Medicine. Eds. Carmen Birkle and Johanna Heil. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 145-173.


“Reconstructing Race Relations: Esther Hill Hawks’ Diary and her Life Among the Freedmen.” American Lives. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013. 173-188.


“Bible Seller and Cross-Dressed Spy: Sarah Emma Edmonds and the Debate on Authenticity.” Religion in the United States. Eds. Jeanne Cortiel, Kornelia Freitag, Christine Gerhard and Michael Wala. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. 41-57.


“The Donaldina Cameron Myth and the Rescue of America, 1910-2002.” Chinatowns in a Transnational World. Myths and Realities of an Urban Phenomenon. Eds. Vanessa Künnemann and Ruth Mayer. New York: Routledge, 2011. 135-162.


“The New Rules of the Democratic Game: Emancipation, Self-Regulation, and the ‘Second Founding’ of The Unites States.” Civilizing and Decivilizing Processes: Figurational Approaches to American Culture. Eds. Christa Buschendorf, Astrid Franke, and Johannes Voelz. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. 175-208.


“A Passing Era: Memory, Nation, and the Jew in American and South African Literature.” Transatlantic Negotiations. Eds. Christa Buschendorf and Astrid Franke. Heidelberg: Winter, 2007. 225-242.


“Beyond a Postmodern Denial of Reference: Forms of Resistance in Jessica Hagedorn’s Dogeaters. Special Issue Asian American Studies in Europe/Germany. Eds. Carmen Birkle, Wilfried Raussert, and Mita Banerjee. Amerikastudien / American Studies 51:3 (2006): 425-437.


“Ty Pak: Korean American Literature as ‘Guilt Payment’.” How Far is America from Here? Eds. Theo D’haen et al. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2005. 481-497.


“Otherness as Reading Process: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's Dictee.” Asian American Literature in the International Context. Eds. Rocío Davis and S?mi Ludwig. Hamburg: LIT, 2002. 185-201.



a) Reviews

Altschuler, Sari. The Medical Imagination: Literature and Health in the Early United States.?Amerikastudien/American Studies?vol 67, no. 4 (2020): 546-549.


Hochbruck, Wolfgang. Die Gesch?pfe des Epimetheus. Veteranen, Erinnerung und die Reproduktion des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA) (2013), 98-102.


Raphael-Hernandez, Heike und Shannon Steen, eds. AfroAsian Encounters. Culture, History, Politics. Amerikastudien 54:3 (2009), 538-541.


Quigley, David, The Second Founding, H-CivWar Book Review. Humanities & Social Sciences. http://h-net.msu.edu.


Zhou, Xiaojing, ed. Form and Transformation in Asian American Literature. Amerikastudien 52:1 (2007), 153-155.


b) Dictionary Entries:

“John William DeForest”. The Nineteenth-Century American Novel. Ed. Christine Gerhardt. Handbooks of English?and American Studies: Text and Theory. Eds. (series) Martin Middeke and Gabriele Rippl. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter (2017).


“Peter Hyun.” Facts on File. Ed. Seiwoong Oh. http://www.factsonfile.com, 2007. 120-121.


“Jessica Hagedorn”. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Asian American Authors. Ed. Deborah Madsen. Columbia / SC: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 2005. 101-109.
