

Zweiter Vortrag der interdisziplin?ren Vortragsreihe am 14. November

Wir freuen uns, Sie am 14. November um 16 Uhr (Raum 1201/1202) ins Zentrum für Klimaresilienz einzuladen oder?via Zoom: https://uni-augsburg.zoom.us/j/6851 Meeting ID 685 1482 5373 Kenncode: ht6s!h

Zum zweiten Vortrag der interdisziplin?ren Vortragsreihe besucht uns Prof. Dr. Wojciech Malecki von der Universit?t?Wroclaw in Polen (Institute for Polish Philology).

Mit seinem Vortrag "The Impact of Creative Climate Communication: Emotions, Activism, and Mental Health" er?ffnet er neue Perspektiven der Umwelt- und Klimakommunikation. Der Vortrag findet auf Englisch statt.

Wir freuen uns, Sie zahlreich begrü?en zu dürfen!

"A growing number of journalists, critics, scholars, and policymakers argue that creative forms of climate communication—such as novels, journalistic stories, video games, and others—are not only topically relevant but could even “save the world.” The underlying theory is that addressing climate change requires influencing the public's attitudes, emotions, beliefs, and behavior, and that conventional communication methods are insufficient to achieve this goal. Creative climate communication is seen as a viable alternative due to its ability to vividly portray climate realities and encourage the public to engage with them imaginatively. This unique capacity is believed to foster a greater sense of care about climate change and to stimulate climate action. In this paper, I will discuss empirical evidence supporting this potential, with a particular focus on studies examining one form of creative climate communication: climate fiction."?Wojciech Malecki,?University of Wroclaw
