


Professor Blake D. Morant, Dekan der George Washington University, besucht die Juristische Fakult?t

Am Freitag den 23. Februar 2018 erhielt die Juristische Fakult?t der Universit?t Augsburg Besuch von Herrn Professor Blake D. Morant, Dean der George Washington University School of Law, seiner Frau, Paulette Morant, sowie Frau Joshi Shehernaz, Director for Graduate & International Programs.



Empfangen wurde der Besuch aus Washington von Herrn Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers, Herrn Professor Dr. Matthias Rossi, Herrn Professor Dr. Thilo Rensmann sowie Frau Daniela Pfau und Herrn Christoph Salger.

Die Juristischen Fakult?t der Universit?t Augsburg pflegt seit über 15 Jahren eine sehr erfolgreiche Kooperation mit George Washington University School of Law. Als Partneruniversit?t bietet sie jedes Jahr mehreren interessierten Studenten aus Augsburg die M?glichkeit ein Auslandssemester in den USA zu verbringen. Im Gegenzug l?dt die Juristische Fakult?t j?hrlich Studenten aus Washington zu ihrem Summer Program nach Augsburg ein.


Die George Washington University School of Law wurde 1865 gegründet und befindet sich unter den Top 30 US Law Schools.


On Friday, February 23rd, 2018, Professor Blake D. Morant, Dean of the George Washington University School of Law, his wife, Paulette Morant, and Shehernaz Joshi, Director for Graduate & International Programs, visited the Law School of the University of Augsburg.


The visitors from Washington were given a warm welchome by Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers, Professor Dr. Matthias Rossi, Professor Dr. Thilo Rensmann as well as by Ms. Daniela Pfau und Mr. Christoph Salger.

For more than 15 years, the Law School of the University of Augsburg and the George Washington University School of Law have had a well-established and successful partnership. As part of the cooperation agreement between the two law schools, several students from Augsburg are invited to spend a semester abroad in Washington D.C. every year. In exchange, students from Washington are offered to take part in the Augsburg Summer Program.


George Washington University School of Law was established in 1865 and is ranked in the top 30 of the best law schools in the United States.
