Zerwes Sebastian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Bauchaortenaneurysma: wen screenen, wen überwachen und wo behandeln?.
MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin 2025;167(2):54-55.
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Peters Viktoria, Zerwes Sebastian, Kerndl Hagen, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Liebetrau Dominik.
Evaluation of the learning experience after ultrasound-guided percutaneous arteriovenous fistula placement workshop utilizing the Ellipsys vascular access system.
Annals of Vascular Surgery 2025;
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Streck Elena, Souri Yaser, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
A rare case of an acute type B aortic dissection contained infrarenal rupture of the false lumen after prior endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair.
Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques 2024;10(1):101366.
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Gou?ffic Yann, Piffaretti Gabriele, Iqbal Kashfa, Dorweiler Bernhard, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of heparin-bonded expanded polytetrafluoroethylene grafts for below-the-knee femoral bypass surgery.
Annals of Vascular Surgery 2024;105:236-251.
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Schmitz Timo, Freuer Dennis, Go?lau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Linseisen Jakob, Meisinger Christa, Kirchberger Inge.
Can inflammatory plasma proteins predict Long COVID or fatigue severity after SARS-CoV-2 infection?.
Virus Research 2024;344:199363.
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Souri Yaser, Hernandez Cancino Edgar Franklin, Kerndl Hagen, Hyhlik-Duerr Alexander, Gosslau Yvonne.
Clinical evaluation of the PowerGlide Pro midline catheter – dwell time, complications and outcomes for various medications including prostaglandins.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2024;409(1):363.
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Knappich Christoph, Kirchhoff Felix, Fritsche Marie-Kristin, Egert-Schwender Silvia, Wendorff Heiko, Kallmayer Michael, Haller Bernhard, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Reeps Christian, Eckstein Hans-Henning, Trenner Matthias.
Endovascular aortic repair with sac embolization for the prevention of type II endoleaks (the EVAR-SE study): study protocol for a randomized controlled multicentre study in Germany.
Trials 2024;25(1):17.
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Hyhlik-Duerr Alexander, Zerwes Sebastian, Kaspar-Ott Irena, Hertig Elke, Streck Elena.
Influence of weather and air constituents on aortic ruptures in the south of Germany [Abstract].
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2024;79(4, Supplement):95.
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Kirchberger Inge, Meisinger Christine, Warm Tobias D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Linseisen Jakob, Go?lau Yvonne.
Longitudinal course and predictors of health-related quality of life, mental health, and fatigue, in non-hospitalized individuals with or without post COVID-19 syndrome.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2024;22:32.
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Alloisio M., Siika A., Roy J., Zerwes Sebastian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Gasser T. C..
Merging geometrical, biomechanical, and clinical data to assess the rupture risk of abdominal aortic aneurysms [Abstract].
EJVES Vascular Forum 2024;62(Supplement 1):S21-S22.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Ciura Ana-Maria, Eckstein Hans-Henning, Heiser Oksana, Kalder Johannes, Keschenau Paula, Lescan Mario, Rylski Bartosz, Kondov Stoyan, Te?arek J?rg, Bruijnen Hans-Kees, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Real world experience with the TREO device in standard EVAR: mid-term results of 150 cases from a German multicenter study.
Vasa 2024;53(6):411-419.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Dürr Heike.
Shuntchirurgie in Westafrika?– ein Reisebericht.
Gef?sschirurgie 2024;29(7):441-446.
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Leone Vincenza, Freuer Dennis, Go?lau Yvonne, Kirchberger Inge, Warm Tobias, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Meisinger Christine, Linseisen Jakob.
Symptom clusters in acute SARS-CoV-2 infection and long COVID fatigue in male and female outpatients.
Journal of Personalized Medicine 2024;14(6):602.
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Liebetrau Dominik, Te?arek J?rg, Elger Florian, Peters Viktoria, Scheurig-Münkler Christian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Technical aspects of the new BYCROSS TM atherectomy device - preliminary results after 28 patients.
Vasa 2024;53(6):388-396.
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Warm Tobias Dominik, Gosslau Yvonne N., Scheurig-Münkler Christian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Two-year follow-up after treatment of an aortic transection in the presence of an aberrant right subclavian artery.
Vascular 2024;32(2):292-295.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Kiessling Johanna, Schaefer Alexander, Liebetrau Dominik, Gosslau Yvonne, Bruijnen Hans-Kees, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Combining endovascular aneurysm sealing with chimney grafts – 5 year follow-up after 47 procedures.
Annals of Vascular Surgery 2023;96:195-206.
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Warm Tobias Dominik, Stojanovic Tomislav, Bail Dorothee, Engelhardt Michael, Fellmer Peter, Hinck Daniel C., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Hinck Daniel C., Hoffmann-Wieker Carola, Masius Stephan, Rother Ulrich, Stübinger Axel, Zerwes Sebastian, Sch?nenberg Frank, Go?lau Yvonne.
Das vaskul?re Trauma: Analyse der Versorgungsrealit?t in einer deutschlandweiten Umfrage.
Gef?sschirurgie 2023;28:438-446.
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Tobias Dominik Warm, Tomislav Stojanovic on behalf of die Kommission Katastrophenmedizin und Gef??traumatologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gef??chirurgie, Alexander Hyhlik-Dürr on behalf of die Sektion gef??chirurgische Techniken der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gef??chirurgie & Yvonne Go?lau
Oberhuber A., B?ckler D., Debus S., Dorweiler B., Eckstein H.-H., Hinterseher I., Mumme A., Oikonomou K., Schelzig H., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Die Novellierung der Exzellenzakademie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gef??chirurgie und Gef??medizin.
Gef?sschirurgie 2023;28:512-516.
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on behalf of Konvent der Ordinarien der DGG
Bette Stefanie, Decker Josua A., Zerwes Sebastian, Gosslau Yvonne, Liebetrau Dominik, Hyhlik-Duerr Alexander, Schwarz Florian, Kroencke Thomas J., Scheurig-Muenkler Christian.
German nation-wide in-patient treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm — trends between 2005 and 2019 and impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
CVIR Endovascular 2023;6(1):44.
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Kirchberger Inge, Meisinger Christine, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Linseisen Jakob, Go?lau Yvonne.
Post-COVID-19 syndrome in non-hospitalized individuals: healthcare situation 2 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Viruses 2023;15(6):1326.
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Liebetrau Dominik, Te?arek Joerg, Elger Florian, Zerwes Sebastian, Peters Viktoria, Scheurig-Münkler Christian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Revascularization with BYCROSS atherectomy device - protocol of a prospective multicenter observational study.
CVIR Endovascular 2023;6(1):61.
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Schmelzer Klaus Peter, Liebetrau Dominik, K?mmerer Wolfgang, Meisinger Christine, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Strategies for avoiding typical drug–drug interactions and drug-related problems in patients with vascular diseases.
Medicina 2023;59(4):780.
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Kirchberger Inge, Peilst?cker Daniela, Warm Tobias D., Linseisen Jakob, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Meisinger Christine, Go?lau Yvonne.
Subjective and objective cognitive impairments in non-hospitalized persons 9 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Viruses 2023;15(1):256.
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Berken J., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Zerwes Sebastian.
TEVAR: Indikation für ausgew?hlte Patienten mit Marfan-Syndrom.
Gef??medizin Scan - Zeitschrift für Angiologie, Gef??chirurgie, diagnostische und interventionelle Radiologie 2023;10(01):11-12.
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Liebetrau Dominik, Zerwes Sebastian, Kerndl Hagen, Schaal Jochen, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Technical aspects of percutaneous endovascular arteriovenous fistula creation with the Ellipsys? Vascular Access System: preliminary results after 16 patients.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2023;408(1):91.
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Schmidbauer Lena, Kirchberger Inge, Go?lau Yvonne, Warm Tobias D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Linseisen Jakob, Meisinger Christa.
The association between the number of symptoms and the severity of Post-COVID-Fatigue after SARS-CoV-2 infection treated in an outpatient setting.
Journal of Neurology 2023;270(7):3294-3302.
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Go?lau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hernandez Cancino Edgar Franklin, Kirchberger Inge, Meisinger Christine, Linseisen Jakob, Hyhlik-Duerr Alexander.
The prevalence of vascular complications in SARS-CoV-2 infected outpatients.
Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 2023;173(7-8):168-172.
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Engelhardt M., Schmid R., K?lbel B., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Zerwes Sebastian, Zischek C..
Training in vascular trauma surgery for non-vascular surgeons: vascular trauma surgery skills course.
European Surgery 2023;55(3-4):89-93.
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Souri Yaser, Liebetrau Dominik, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Weigang E., Kemke J., Branzan D., Wilhelmi M., Classen S., Pfister K., Kuhnert M., Seifert S., Derwich W., Stavroulakis K..
Valvulotomy of the great saphenous vein in ex situ non-reversed and in situ setting: a multicenter post-market study to assess the safety and efficacy of the AndraValvulotome?”.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2023;408(1):449.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Koberstein Nadine, Sch?fer Alexander E., Zerwes Sebastian, B?ckler Dittmar.
Beeinflussen moderne Informationssysteme die Wahl der Klinik bei Patienten mit Gef??pathologien?.
Gef??chirurgie 2022;27:365-372.
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Kaspar-Ott Irena, Olschewski Patrick, Koller Stephanie, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Streck Elena, Eckstein Hans-Henning, Radu Oksana, Hertig Elke.
Determination of the influence of weather and air constituents on aortic aneurysm ruptures.
Heliyon 2022;8(4):e09263.
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Liebetrau Dominik, Marnoto Rio, Go?lau Yvonne, Zerwes Sebastian, Stangl Franz, Wohlgemuth W. A., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Die Marginalvene?– nach wie vor eine seltene Entit?t: Fallserie von 16?Patienten.
Die Chirurgie 2022;93:892-898.
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Go?lau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Die iatrogene Gef??verletzung der Extremit?ten.
Gef?sschirurgie 2022;27:184-189.
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Meisinger Christa, Kirchberger Inge, Warm Tobias D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Go?lau Yvonne, Linseisen Jakob.
Elevated plasma D-dimer concentrations in adults after an outpatient-treated COVID-19 infection.
Viruses 2022;14(11):2441.
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Marnoto Rio, Warm Tobias Dominik, Storl Kerstin, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Go?lau Yvonne Nicole.
Erste Erfahrungen mit der Bio-Zellulose Nanogen Aktiv in der Behandlung komplexer Wunden.
Gef?sschirurgie 2022;27:380-387.
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Go?lau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Foerch Stefan, Zerwes Sebastian, Scheurig-Muenkler Christian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Iatrogenic injury of the popliteal artery in orthopedic knee surgery: clinical results and development of a therapeutic algorithm.
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2022;48:4169-4179.
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Meisinger Christa, Go?lau Yvonne, Warm Tobias D., Leone Vincenza, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Linseisen Jakob, Kirchberger Inge.
Post-COVID-19 fatigue and SARS-CoV-2 specific humoral and T-cell responses in male and female outpatients.
Frontiers in Immunology 2022;13:902140.
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Liebetrau D., Feder E., Zerwes Sebastian, Go?lau Y., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Behandlungsstrategien und Ergebnisse bei injektionsassoziierten inguinalen perivaskul?ren Abszessen bei intraven?s Drogenabh?ngigen.
Der Chirurg 2021;92:1033-1039.
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Berken Jonas, Losher E., Zerwes Sebastian, Linné R., Frühwald Michael C., Anthuber Matthias, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Ethische Aspekte in der Aortenchirurgie: ein Fallbericht.
Gef??chirurgie 2021;26:123-126.
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Czerny Martin, Gottardi Roman, Puiu Paul, Bernecker Oliver Y., Citro Rodolfo, Della Corte Alessandro, di Marco Luca, Fink Martina, Gosslau Yvonne, Haldenwang Peter Lukas, Heijmen Robin H., Hugas-Mallorqui Maria, Iesu Severino, Jacobsen Oyvind, Jassar Arminder S., Juraszek Andrzej, Kolowca Maciej, Lepidi Sandro, Marrocco-Trischitta Massimiliano M., Matsuda Hitoshi, Meisenbacher Katrin, Micari Antonio, Minatoya Kenji, Park Kay-Hyun, Peterss Sven, Petrich Michael, Piffaretti Gabriele, Probst Chris, Reutersberg Benedikt, Rosati Fabrizio, Schachner Bruno, Schachner Thomas, Sorokin Vitali A., Szeberin Zoltan, Szopinski Piotr, Di Tommaso Luigi, Trimarchi Santi, Verhoeven Eric L. G., Vogt Ferdinand, Voetsch Andreas, Walter Tim, Weiss Gabriel, Yuan Xun, Benedetto Filippo, De Bellis Antonio, D'Oria Mario, Discher Philipp, Zierer Andreas, Rylski Bartosz, van den Berg Jos C., Wyss Thomas R., Bossone Eduardo, Schmidli Jürg, Nienaber Christoph, Accarino Giulio, Baldascino Francesco, B?ckler Dittmar, Corazzari Claudio, D'Alessio Ilenia, de Beaufort Hector, De Troia Christopher, Dumfarth Julia, Galbiati Denise, Gorgatti Filippo, Hagl Christian, Hamiko Marwan, Huber Florian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Ianelli Gabriele, Iesu Ivana, Jung Joon-Chui, Kainz Frieda-Maria, Katsargyris Athanasios, Koter Stephan, Kusmierczyk Mariusz, Kolsut Piotr, Lengyel Balazs, Lomazzi Chiara, Muneretto Claudio, Nava Giovanni, Nolte Thomas, Pacini Davide, Pleban Eliza, Rychla Miriam, Sakamoto Kazuhisa, Shijo Takayuki, Yokawa Koki, Siepe Matthias, Sirch Joachim, Strauch Justus, Sule Jai Ajitchandra, Tobler Eva-Luca, Walter Corinna, Weigang Ernst.
Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the care of patients with acute and chronic aortic conditions.
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2021;59(5):1096-1102.
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Correction: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Volume 60, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 724–725, https://doi.org/10.1093/ejcts/ezab314
Zerwes Sebastian, Kiessling Johanna, Liebetrau Dominik, Jakob Rudolf, Gosslau Yvonne, Bruijnen Hans-Kees, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Open conversion after endovascular aneurysm sealing: technical features and clinical outcomes in 44 patients.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2021;28(2):332-341.
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Kerndl Hagen, Liebetrau Dominik, Zerwes Sebastian, R?mmele Christoph, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Ressourcenbedarf bei der chirurgischen Behandlung von COVID?19-Patienten in der universit?ren Maximalversorgung.
Der Chirurg 2021;93(1):64-71.
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Czerny Martin, Berger Tim, Kondov Stoyan, Siepe Matthias, Saint Lebes Bertrand, Mokrane Fatima, Rousseau Herve, Lescan Mario, Schlensak Christian, Andic Mateja, Hazenberg Constatijn, Bloemert-Tuin Trijntje, Braithwaite Sue, van Herwaarden Joost, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Gosslau Yvonne, Pedro Luís Mendes, Amorim Pedro, Kuratani Toru, Cheng Stephen, Heijmen Robin, van der Weijde Emma, Pleban Eliza, Szopiński Piotr, Rylski Bartosz.
Results of endovascular aortic arch repair using the relay branch system.
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2021;60(6):662-668.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Steinbauer Markus.
Seltene Erkrankungen und Onkologie in der Gef??chirurgie.
Gef?sschirurgie 2021;26(8):575-576.
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Kuchar Johanna, Sommer Bj?rn, Shiban Ehab, Gosslau Yvonne N., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Spinaler Querschnitt nach EVAR bei bestehendem Nierenzellkarzinom.
Gef?sschirurgie 2021;26:635-638.
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Go?lau Yvonne, Warm Tobias Dominik, Hernandez Cancino Edgar Franklin, Braun Georg, Spring Oliver, Zerwes Sebastian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Tiefe Beinvenenthrombosen bei Intensivpatienten mit COVID-19-Infektion: Einfluss eines standardisierten Therapieregimes.
Zentralblatt für Chirurgie - Zeitschrift für Allgemeine, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Gef??chirurgie 2021;146(06):605-611.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Kuchar Johanna, Warm Tobias, Ruhnke Hannes, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Ven?se Aneurysmen: Anatomie und klinisches Management.
Gef?sschirurgie 2021;26(8):590-595.
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Decker Josua, Zerwes Sebastian, Jakob Rudolf, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Kr?ncke Thomas, Scheurig-Münkler Christian.
Bildgebende Ph?nomene im Rahmen der Nachsorge nach endovaskul?rer Aneurysma-Versiegelung (EVAS) mittels Nellix-System (Endologix) in der Computertomografie.
R?Fo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der R?ntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 2020;192(10):909-914.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Steinbauer M., Gosslau Y., Warm T., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
COVID-19-Infektion: Risiko für thrombembolische Komplikationen.
Gef?sschirurgie 2020;25(6):397-402.
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Klotz Rosa, Seide Svenja E., Knebel Phillip, Probst Pascal, Bruckner Thomas, Motsch Johann, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar, Larmann Jan, Diener Markus K., Weigand Markus A., Büchler Markus W., Mihaljevic Andre L..
Continuous wound infiltration versus epidural analgesia for midline abdominal incisions – a randomized-controlled pilot trial (Painless-Pilot trial; DRKS Number: DRKS00008023).
PLOS ONE 2020;15(3):229898.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Hernandez Cancino F., Liebetrau D., Gosslau Y., Warm T., M?rkl Bruno, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Erh?htes Risiko für tiefe Beinvenenthrombosen bei Intensivpatienten mit CoViD-19-Infektion? - Erste Daten.
Der Chirurg 2020;91:588-594.
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Erratum: Der Chirurg volume 91, pages 586–587(2020), DOI: 10.1007/s00104-020-01245-0
Wortmann M., Engelhart M., Elias K., Popp E., Zerwes Sebastian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
?Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta“ (REBOA): aktuelles zu Material, Indikationen und Grenzen: ein ?berblick.
Der Chirurg 2020;91(11):934-942.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Kie?ling Johanna, Jakob Rudolf, Go?lau Yvonne, Bruijnen Hans-Kees, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Open conversion after EndoVascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS): technical features and clinical outcomes after 32 explantations [Abstract].
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2019;58(6, supplement 3):E597.
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Zoethout Aleksandra Charlotte, Zerwes Sebastian, Zeebregts Clark J. A. M., Heyligers Jan M. M., De Vries Jean Paul J. M., Oberhuber Alexander, Karl Thomas, Berg Patrick, Stenson Kate, Loftus Ian, Torella Francesco, Szopiński Piotr, Zimmermann Eric, Holden Andrew, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Reijnen Michel M. P. J..
Preliminary outcome of Nellix-in-Nellix extensions in patients treated with failed endovascular aneurysm sealing.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2019;70(4):1099-1106.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Demharter J., Vollert K., Lehner J., Heim C., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Chirurgische Therapie eines thoracic outlet syndroms (TOS) bei Fehlanlage der ersten Rippe bei einem 10-j?hrigen Kind.
Gef?sschirurgie 2018;23(7):541-544.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Commentary: polymerization and its similarity with building solid evidence.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2018;25(2):207-208.
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Zerwes Sebastian, Bruijnen Hans-Kees, Gosslau Yvonne, Jakob Rudolf, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Influence of the revised nellix instructions for use on outcomes after endovascular aneurysm sealing.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2018;25(4):418-425.
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Go?lau Y. N., Tsounis F., Zerwes Sebastian, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Leissner G..
Persistierende V.?cava superior links und die Auswirkung auf die Anlage eines Dialyseshunts.
Gef?sschirurgie 2018;23(6):462-464.
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Wortmann M., Elias K., Zerwes Sebastian, B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
REBOA (Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta): brauchen wir das wirklich?.
Notfall + Rettungsmedizin 2018;22(2):100-110.
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Weber Tim F., B?ckler Dittmar, Müller-Eschner Matthias, Bischoff Moritz, Kronlage Moritz, von Tengg-Kobligk Hendrik, Kauczor Hans-Ulrich, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Frequency of abdominal aortic expansion after thoracic endovascular repair of type B aortic dissection.
Vascular 2016;24(6):567-579.
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B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Hakimi M., Brenner T., Ulrich A., Hofer S..
Management von Blutungen und Infektionen im Rahmen viszeralchirurgischer Operationen.
Der Chirurg 2016;87(2):119-127.
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Bischoff M. S., Meisenbacher K., Schmack B., Tanner M., Goldschmidt H., Kasperk C., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D..
Pelottierung der A. thoracica descendens durch einen Zementsporn: endovaskul?re Behandlung nach Kyphoplastie.
Der Orthop?de 2016;45(11):994-997.
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Attigah N., Demirel S., Ringleb P., Hinz U., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D..
Cross-flow determination by transcranial Doppler predicts clamping ischemia in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy.
The journal of cardiovascular surgery 2015;56(3):417-422.
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Erhart P., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Geisbüsch P., Kotelis D., Müller-Eschner M., Gasser T. C., von Tengg-Kobligk H., B?ckler D..
Finite element analysis in asymptomatic, symptomatic, and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms: in search of new rupture risk predictors.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2015;49(3):239-245.
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Erhart P., Gasser T. C., Auer M., B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Finite-Elemente-Analyse abdomineller Aortenaneurysmen: aktuelle Wertigkeit als Erg?nzung zur herk?mmlichen Diagnostik.
Gef?sschirurgie 2015;20(7):503-507.
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Erhart Philipp, Roy Joy, de Vries Jean-Paul P. M., Liljeqvist Moritz Lindquist, Grond-Ginsbach Caspar, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar.
Prediction of rupture sites in abdominal aortic aneurysms after finite element analysis.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2015;23(1):115-120.
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B?ckler Dittmar, Massoni Claudio Bianchini, Geisbüsch Philipp, Hakimi Maani, von Tengg-Kobligk Hendrik, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Single-center experience in the management of spontaneous isolated abdominal aortic dissection.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2015;401(2):249-254.
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Gasser T. C., Nchimi A., Swedenborg J., Roy J., Sakalihasan N., B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
A novel strategy to translate the biomechanical rupture risk of abdominal aortic aneurysms to their equivalent diameter Risk: method and retrospective validation.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2014;47(3):288-295.
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Schaible A., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D., Büchler M., Sauer P..
Die aorto?sophageale Fistel: Stellenwert?der?Endoskopie in der Diagnostik.
Endoskopie heute 2014;27(02):107-114.
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Diener Markus K., Knebel Phillip, Kieser Meinhard, Schüler Philipp, Schiergens Tobias S., Atanassov Vladimir, Neudecker Jens, Stein Erwin, Thielemann Henryk, Kunz Reiner, von Frankenberg Moritz, Schernikau Utz, Bunse J?rg, Jansen-Winkeln Boris, Partecke Lars I., Prechtl Gerald, Pochhammer Julius, Bouchard Ralf, Hodina René, Beckurts K. Tobias E., Lei?ner Lothar, Lemmens Hans-Peter, Kallinowski Friedrich, Thomusch Oliver, Seehofer Daniel, Simon Thomas, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Seiler Christoph M., Hackert Thilo, Reissfelder Christoph, Hennig René, Doerr-Harim Colette, Klose Christina, Ulrich Alexis, Büchler Markus W..
Effectiveness of triclosan-coated PDS Plus versus uncoated PDS II sutures for prevention of surgical site infection after abdominal wall closure: the randomised controlled PROUD trial.
The Lancet 2014;384(9938):142-152.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Bischoff M.S., Erhart P., Hakimi M., B?ckler D..
Erste Erfahrungen mit dem AZUR? Peripheral HydroCoil? Embolisationssystem.
Gef?sschirurgie 2014;19(4):331-337.
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Erhart Philipp, Grond-Ginsbach Caspar, Hakimi Maani, Lasitschka Felix, Dihlmann Susanne, B?ckler Dittmar, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Finite element analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysms: predicted rupture risk correlates with aortic wall histology in individual patients.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2014;21(4):556-564.
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Bischoff Moritz S., Geisbüsch Philipp, Kotelis Drosos, Müller-Eschner Matthias, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar.
Clinical significance of type II endoleaks after thoracic endovascular aortic repair.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2013;58(3):643-650.
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Geisbüsch P., Attigah N., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Hakimi M., Müller-Eschner M., B?ckler D..
Decision-making and techniques in hypogastric artery revascularization.
The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2013;54(Supplement 1):71-79.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Bischoff M. S., Peters A. S., Attigha N., Geisbüsch P., B?ckler D..
Endovaskul?re Therapie paraanastomaler aortaler Aneurysmen: technische M?glichkeiten.
Der Chirurg 2013;84(10):881-888.
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Bischoff M. S., Hafner S., Able T., Peters A. S., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D..
Inzidenz und Therapie des Postimplantationssyndroms nach endovaskul?rer Ausschaltung infrarenaler Aortenaneurysmen.
Gef?sschirurgie 2013;18(5):381-387.
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Hakimi M., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, von Au A., Betz M., Demirel S., Dihlmann S., B?ckler D., Gross-Weissmann M. L..
The expression of glycophorin A and osteoprotegerin is locally increased in carotid atherosclerotic lesions of symptomatic compared to asymptomatic patients.
International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2013;32(2):331-338.
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Erhart P., Bischoff M. S., Hakimi M., Hackert T., B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Zentraler Protheseninfekt bei aortoenteraler Fistel: gibt es beim Hochrisikopatienten eine Alternative zum Prothesenausbau? Zwei Fallberichte.
Gef?sschirurgie 2013;18(8):714-717.
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Roy Joy, Swedenborg Jesper, Sakalihasan Natzi, Nchimi Alain, B?ckler Dittmar, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Gasser Christian.
Biomechanical rupture risk assessment in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms: introducing rupture risk equivalent diameter [Abstract].
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 2012;32(Supplement 1):A103.
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Attigah N., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, H?lper P., Schumacher H., B?ckler D..
Die Behandlung der akuten tiefen Bein- und Beckenvenenthrombose durch ven?se Thrombektomie und kombinierte endovaskul?re Rekanalisation.
Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 2012;137(01):83-87.
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Peters A. S., Bischoff M. S., Weitz J., Longerich T., Diehm C., B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Die intraven?se Leiomyomatose – eine seltene Tumorentit?t: ein Fallbericht.
Gef?sschirurgie 2012;17(5):374-377.
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Roy Joy, Swedenborg Jesper, Sakalihasan Natzi, Nchimi Alain, Bockler Dittmar, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Gasser Christian.
PS4: Biomechanical rupture risk assessment of AAA made easier for clinicians [Abstract].
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2012;55(6):29-30.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Bischoff M. S., Hakimi M., von Tengg-Kobligk H., B?ckler D..
Technical aspects of EVAR for infrarenal AAA.
The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2012;53(Supplement 1):111-118.
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Geisbüsch Philipp, Kotelis Drosos, Müller–Eschner Matthias, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar.
Complications after aortic arch hybrid repair.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2011;53(4):935-941.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Able T., B?ckler D..
Ein praktischer Ansatz zur interdisziplin?ren Therapie der aorto-enteralen Fistel.
Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 2011;136(3):224-228.
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Burger U., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Geisbüsch P., B?ckler D..
Endovaskul?re Therapie der akuten und chronischen Stanford-Typ-B-Dissektion.
In: Rückert Ralph I., Hepp Wolfgang, Luther Bernd, editors. Chirurgie der abdominalen und thorakalen Aorta. Berlin: Springer; 2011. p. 219-229.
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Demirel S., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Attigah N., Hakimi M., Tengg-Kobligk H., B?ckler D..
Gef??chirurgie im Alter: Handlungsempfehlungen für die chirurgische Praxis.
Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 2011;136(05):471-479.
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Weber T. F., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Müller-Eschner M., Able T., B?ckler D., Kauczor H. U., Tengg-Kobligk H. von.
H?ufigkeit der abdominalen aortalen Expansion nach thorakaler endovaskul?rer Behandlung von Aortendissektionen im Langzeitverlauf.
R?Fo: Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der R?ntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 2011;183(S 01):VO321_6.
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Bischoff M. S., Geisbüsch P., Peters A. S., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D..
Penetrating aortic ulcer: defining risks and therapeutic strategies.
Herz 2011;36(6):498-504.
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Geisbüsch Philipp, Hoffmann Simone, Kotelis Drosos, Able Thomas, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar.
Reinterventions during midterm follow-up after endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic disease.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2011;53(6):1528-1533.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Krieger Tim, Geisbüsch Philipp, Kotelis Drosos, Able Thomas, B?ckler Dittmar.
Reproducibility of deriving parameters of AAA rupture risk from patient-specific 3D finite element models.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2011;18(3):289-298.
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Bischoff M. S., Peters A. S., Kotelis D., B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Strategische ?berlegungen bei mit spinaler Isch?mie assoziertem intramuralem H?matom.
Gef?sschirurgie 2011;16(5):346-349.
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Radeleff B., Stampfl U., Sommer C.-M., Bellemann N., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Weber M.-A., Boeckler D., Kauczor H.-U..
Successful thrombolysis and spasmolysis of acute leg ischemia after accidental intra-arterial injection of dissolved dlunitrazepam tablets.
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology 2011;34(5):1085-1089.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Weber Tim F., Kotelis Drossos, Rengier Fabian, Gahlen Johannes, B?ck Stefanie, K?hler Jürgen, Ratusinski Christoph-M., B?ckler Dittmar.
The endurant stent graft system: 15-month follow-up report in patients with challenging abdominal aortic anatomies.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2011;396(6):801-810.
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Kotelis Drosos, Geisbüsch Philipp, Attigah Nicolas, Hinz Ulf, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar.
Total vs hemi-aortic arch transposition for hybrid aortic arch repair.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2011;54(4):1182-1186.e2.
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B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Debus S., Eckstein H.-H..
Ultraschallscreening des abdominellen Aortenaneurysmas – sinnvoll und notwendig.
In: Rückert Ralph I., Hepp Wolfgang, Luther Bernd, editors. Chirurgie der abdominalen und thorakalen Aorta. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer; 2011. p. 3-13.
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Kilk K., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Afshar-Oromieh A., B?ckler D..
Chronischer zentraler Gef??protheseninfekt: Nachweis durch 18F-FDG-PET/CT.
Der Chirurg 2010;81(7):653-656.
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Geisbüsch P., Kotelis D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Hakimi M., Attigah N., B?ckler D..
Endografting in the aortic arch: does the proximal landing zone influence outcome?.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2010;39(6):693-699.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Geisbüsch Philipp, Kotelis Drosos, B?ckler Dittmar.
Endovascular repair of infrarenal penetrating aortic ulcers: a single-center experience in 20 patients.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2010;17(4):510-514.
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Geisbüsch Philipp, Kotelis Drosos, Weber Tim F., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar.
Endovascular repair of ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms is associated with high perioperative mortality and morbidity.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2010;51(2):299-304.
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H?lper P., Kotelis D., Attigah N., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D..
Longterm results after surgical thrombectomy and simultaneous stenting for symptomatic iliofemoral venous thrombosis.
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2010;39(3):349-355.
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Kotelis D., Riemensperger M., Jenetzky E., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D..
Offen-chirurgische Therapie thorakoabdomineller Aortenaneurysmen und chronisch expandierender Aortendissektionen: Analyse perioperativer Prognosefaktoren.
Der Chirurg 2010;82(8):661-669.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Debus S., Eckstein H.-H., Lang W., Schmitz-Rixen T., Boeckler D..
Screening des abdominellen Aortenaneurysmas mit Ultraschall: Zahlen, Daten, Fakten.
Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 2010;135(05):403-408.
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Grond-Ginsbach Caspar, Pjontek Rastislav, Aksay Suna Su, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler Dittmar, Gross-Weissmann Marie-Luise.
Spontaneous arterial dissection: phenotype and molecular pathogenesis.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2010;67(11):1799-1815.
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Hakimi M., Geisbüsch P., Gross M.-L., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Hausser I., von Tengg-Kobligk H., B?ckler D..
Treatment of an asymptomatic penetrating aortic ulcer in a young patient.
Vasa 2010;39(2):175-179.
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Knapp J., Bernhard M., Rauch H., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D., Walther A..
An?sthesiologisches Vorgehen bei elektiven Eingriffen an der Aorta.
Der Anaesthesist 2009;58(11):1161-1182.
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Attigah N., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Hakimi M., Allenberg J.-R., B?ckler D..
Der hohe Zugang zur Arteria carotis interna.
Der Chirurg 2009;81(2):155-159.
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Geisbüsch P., Schumacher H., Kotelis D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, von Tengg-Kobligk H., Weber T. F., Allenberg J.-R., B?ckler D..
Endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic pathologies: an 11-year single center experience.
Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2009;16(2):91-100.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Geisbüsch P., Hakimi M., Weber T. F., Schaible A., B?ckler D..
Endovaskul?re Aortenchirurgie: Management sekund?rer aortobronchialer und -enteraler Fisteln.
Der Chirurg 2009;80(10):947-955.
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B?ckler D., Nassar J., Kotelis D., Geisbüsch P., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, von Tengg-Kobligk H., Weber T. F., Schumacher H..
Hybrid approach for arch and thoracoabdominal pathologies.
The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;50(4):461-474.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Geisbüsch Philipp, von Tengg-Kobligk Hendrik, Klemm Klaus, B?ckler Dittmar.
Intentional overstenting of the celiac trunk during thoracic endovascular aortic repair: preoperative role of multislice CT angiography.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2009;16(1):48-54.
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Attigah N., Ganten M., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Kotelis D., Geisbüsch P., Schumacher H., B?ckler D..
Intracranial dissection during carotid endarterectomy treated by carotid stenting.
Vasa 2009;38(1):81-84.
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Geisbüsch Philipp, Leszczynsky Marcin, Kotelis Drosos, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Weber Tim F., B?ckler Dittmar.
Open versus endovascular repair of acute aortic transections: a non-randomized single-center analysis.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2009;394(6):1101-1107.
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H?lper P., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Kotelis D., von Tengg-Kobligk H., B?ckler D..
Paraplegia after spontaneous dissection of the abdominal aorta.
Vasa 2009;38(3):254-258.
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Kotelis Drosos, Geisbüsch Philipp, Hinz Ulf, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, von Tengg-Kobligk Hendrik, Allenberg Jens R., B?ckler Dittmar.
Short and midterm results after left subclavian artery coverage during endovascular repair of the thoracic aorta.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2009;50(6):1285-1292.
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B?ckler Dittmar, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Hakimi Maani, Weber Tim Frederik, Geisbüsch Philipp.
Type B aortic dissections: treating the many to benefit the few?.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2009;16(Supplement 1):80-90.
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H?lper P., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Schumacher H., Heye T., B?ckler D..
Ven?se Hybridoperation zur Therapie einer symptomatischen kongenitalen Hypoplasie der Vena cava inferior.
Gef?sschirurgie 2009;14(6):512-515.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Bardenheuer H.-J., Meinck H.-M., B?ckler D..
Vom Rollstuhl zur Gehf?higkeit: lumbale Sympathektomie zur Therapie langj?hriger chronischer Schmerzen.
Der Schmerz 2009;23(4):399-402.
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Geisbüsch Philipp, Kotelis Drosos, Weber Tim F., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Kauczor Hans-Ulrich, B?ckler Dittmar.
Early and midterm results after endovascular stent graft repair of penetrating aortic ulcers.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2008;48(6):1361-1368.
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Attigah N., Herpel E., Kotelis D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, B?ckler D..
Endovaskul?re Therapie einer aspergilloseinduzierten septischen Arrosionsblutung der A.?subclavia.
Der Chirurg 2008;79(10):984-987.
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B?ckler Dittmar, Kotelis Drosos, Geisbüsch Philipp, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Klemm Klaus, von Tengg-Kobligk Hendrik, Kauczor Hans-Ulrich, Allenberg Jens-Rainer.
Hybrid procedures for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms and chronic aortic dissections: a single center experience in 28 patients.
Journal of Vascular Surgery 2008;47(4):724-732.
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Geisbüsch P., Schumacher H., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, von Tengg-Kobligk H., Weber T.F., Kotelis D., B?ckler* D..
Hybridverfahren zur Therapie aortaler Bogenpathologien.
Gef?sschirurgie 2008;13(5):367-380.
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Geisbüsch P., Martin J., Jenetzky E., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Kotelis D., Attigah N., B?ckler D..
Ist Diabetes mellitus ein eigenst?ndiger Risikofaktor in der Karotischirurgie?.
Gef?sschirurgie 2008;13(4):244-248.
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Geisbüsch Philipp, Kotelis Drosos, von Tengg-Kobligk Hendrik, Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, Allenberg Jens-Rainer, B?ckler Dittmar.
Thoracic aortic endografting in patients with connective tissue diseases.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy 2008;15(2):144-149.
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B?ckler D., Burger U., Klemm K., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Geschlechtsverteilung aortaler Gef??erkrankungen.
Gef?sschirurgie 2007;12(6):421-428.
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B?ckler D., Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander, von Tengg-Kobligk H., Lopez-Benitez R., Kauczor H.-U., Klemm K..
Klinische Anforderungen an die Bildgebung der Aorta.
Der Radiologe 2007;47(11):962-973.
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Hyhlik-Dürr Alexander.
Bestimmung der Reproduzierbarkeit tibialer Knorpelmessungen bei Probanden und Patienten mit einer koronaren Water-Excitation MR-Sequenz.
München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München; 2002.
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Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians Universit?t zu München, 2002