

Publications (Prof. Dür)

My author profile in MathSciNet can be viewed? here, my publications in ZentralblattMATH can be viewed? here, my profile in SCOPUS can be viewed? here, and the one at Google Scholar can be viewed? here.


Some people think that the quality of a researcher's work can be measured by a single number called the? Hirsch-index. However,? this paper proves mathematically that a meaningful index does not exist.


If you would like to obtain a copy of any of my papers, please send me an email.





Mathematical papers in international journals

  1. Mirjam Dür and Franz Rendl:?

    Conic optimization: a survey with special focus on copositive optimization and binary quadratic problems.?
    EURO Journal on?Computational Optimization?Vol. 9 (2021), 100021.

  2. Patrick Groetzner and Mirjam?Dür:

    A factorization method for completely positive matrices.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 591 (2020), 1-24.

  3. Naomi Shaked-Monderer, Mirjam Dür, and Abraham Berman:
    Complete positivity over the rationals.
    Pure and Applied Functional Analysis?3 (2018), 681-691.
  4. Mirjam Dür, Bolor Jargalsaikhan, and Georg Still:
    Genericity results in linear conic programming - a tour d'horizon.
    Mathematics of Operations Research 44 (2017), 77-94.
  5. Cristian Dobre, Mirjam Dür, Leonhard Frerick, and Frank Vallentin:
    A copositive formulation for the stability number of infinite graphs.
    Mathematical Programming 160 (2016), 65-83. (arXiv preprint).
  6. Naomi Shaked-Monderer, Abraham Berman, Mirjam Dür, and Rajesh Kannan:
    SPN completable graphs.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 498 (2016), 58-73.
  7. Abraham Berman, Mirjam Dür, Naomi Shaked-Monderer, and Julia Witzel:
    Cutting planes for semidefinite relaxations based on triangle-free subgraphs.
    Optimization Letters 10 (2016), 433-446. ?
  8. Mirjam Dür, Bolor Jargalsaikhan, and Georg Still:
    First order solutions in conic programming.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 82 (2015), 123-142.
  9. Abraham Berman, Mirjam Dür, and Naomi Shaked-Monderer:
    Open problems in the theory of completely positive and copositive matrices.
    Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 29 (2015), 46-58.
  10. Julia Sponsel and Mirjam Dür:
    Factorization and Cutting Planes for Completely Positive Matrices by Copositive Projection.
    Mathematical Programming 143 (2014), 211-229.
  11. Mirjam Dür and Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty:
    Testing copositivity with the help of difference-of-convex optimization.
    Mathematical Programming 140 (2013), 31-43.
  12. Peter J.C. Dickinson, Mirjam Dür, Luuk Gijben, and Roland Hildebrand:
    Scaling relationship between the copositive cone and Parrilo's first level approximation.
    Optimization Letters 7 (2013), 1669-1679. Received 2013 OPTL Best Paper Award.
  13. Peter J.C. Dickinson, Mirjam Dür, Luuk Gijben, and Roland Hildebrand:
    Irreducible elements of the copositive cone.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications, 439 (2013), 1605-1626.
  14. Faizan Ahmed, Mirjam Dür, and Georg Still:
    Copositive Programming via Semi-Infinite Optimization.
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 159 (2013), 322-340.
  15. Peter J.C. Dickinson and Mirjam Dür:
    Linear-time complete positivity detection and decomposition of sparse matrices.
    SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 33 (2012), 701-720.
  16. Julia Sponsel, Stefan Bundfuss, and Mirjam Dür:
    An improved algorithm to test copositivity.
    Journal of Global Optimization 52 (2012), 537-551.
  17. Julius Zilinskas and Mirjam Dür:
    Depth-first Simplicial Partition for Copositivity Detection, with an Application to MaxClique.
    Optimization Methods and Software 26 (2011), 499-510.
  18. Mirjam Dür:
    Copositive Programming - a Survey.
    In: M. Diehl, F. Glineur, E. Jarlebring, W. Michiels (Eds.), Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering, Springer 2010, pp. 3-20.
    This paper is available as sample pages from the book.
  19. Samuel Burer, Kurt M. Anstreicher, and Mirjam Dür:
    The Difference Between 5 x 5 Doubly Nonnegative and Completely Positive Matrices.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 431 (2009), 1539-1552.
  20. Stefan Bundfuss and Mirjam Dür:
    An Adaptive Linear Approximation Algorithm for Copositive Programs.
    SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (2009), 30-53.
  21. Stefan Bundfuss and Mirjam Dür:
    Copositive Lyapunov Functions for Switched Systems over Cones.
    Systems and Control Letters 58 (2009), 342-345.
  22. Mirjam Dür and Georg Still:
    Interior Points of the Completely Positive Cone.
    Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 17 (2008), 48-53.
  23. Stefan Bundfuss and Mirjam Dür:
    Algorithmic Copositivity Detection by Simplicial Partition.
    Linear Algebra and its Applications 428 (2008), 1511-1523.
  24. Mirjam Dür, Charoenchai Khompatraporn, and Zelda B. Zabinsky:
    Solving Fractional Problems with Dynamic Multistart Improving Hit-and-Run.
    Annals of Operations Research 156 (2007), 25-44.
  25. Mirjam Dür and Volker Stix:
    Probabilistic Subproblem Selection in Branch-and-Bound Algorithms.
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 182 (2005), 67-80.
  26. William P. Baritompa, Mirjam Dür, Eligius M.T. Hendrix, Lyle Noakes, Wayne J. Pullan, and Graham R. Wood:
    Matching Stochastic Algorithms to Objective Function Landscapes.
    Journal of Global Optimization 31 (2005), 579 - 598.
  27. Mirjam Dür:
    A Parametric Characterization of Local Optimality.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 57 (2003), 101-109.
  28. Mirjam Dür:
    A Class of Problems where Dual Bounds Beat Underestimation Bounds.
    Journal of Global Optimization 22 (2002), 49-57.
  29. Mirjam Dür:
    Conditions Characterizing Minima of the Difference of Functions.
    Monatshefte für Mathematik 134 (2002), 295-303.
  30. Mirjam Dür:
    Dual Bounding Procedures Lead to Convergent Branch-and-Bound Algorithms.
    Mathematical Programming 91 (2001), 117-125.
  31. Mirjam Dür, Reiner Horst and Nguyen Van Thoai:
    Solving Sum-of-Ratios Fractional Programs.
    Optimization 49 (2001), 447-466.
  32. Immanuel M. Bomze, Mirjam Dür, Etienne De Klerk, Cornelis Roos, Arie Quist, and Tamas Terlaky:
    On Copositive Programming and Standard Quadratic Optimization Problems.
    Journal of Global Optimization 18 (2000), 301-320.
  33. Mirjam Dür, Reiner Horst and Marco Locatelli:
    Necessary and Sufficient Global Optimality Conditions for Convex Maximization Revisited.
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 217 (1998), 637-649.
  34. Mirjam Dür and Reiner Horst:
    Lagrange-Duality and Partitioning Techniques in Nonconvex Global Optimization.
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 95 (1997), 347-369.




Applied papers

  1. Susanne Pape, Franziska Hoffgaard, Mirjam Dür and Kay Hamacher:
    Distance Dependency And Minimum Amino Acid Alphabets for Decoy Scoring Potentials.
    Journal of Computational Chemistry, 34 (2013), 10-20.
  2. Mirjam Dür and Nicole Nowak:
    Packing Solar Cells on a Roof.
    Optimization and Engineering 10 (2009), 397-408.




  1. Alexander Martin, Armin Fügenschuh, Mirjam Dür, Christine Sch?nberger, Samuel Schabel, Klaus Villforth:? Verfahren zum Einstellen und/oder Optimieren einer einen Gutstoff von einem Schlechtstoff trennenden Sortieranlage und Sortieranlage.
    Deutsches Patent Nr. 10 2008 013 034, erteilt am 17. 9. 2009.



Miscellaneous publicatons

  • Mirjam Dür, Marco Antonio López-Cerdá, Oliver Stein, and Marc Uetz: Obituary for Georg J. Still
  • Mirjam Dür (Reporter): Oberwolfach Report 52/2017.
  • Patrick Groetzner and Mirjam Dür
    Factorization for completely positive matrices based on projection approaches.
    Oberwolfach Report No. 52/2017, pp. 19-21.
  • Mirjam Dür and Patrick Groetzner:
    A factorization heuristic for completely positive matrices.
    Oberwolfach Report No. 46/2015, pp. 2721-2723.
  • Immanuel M. Bomze, Mirjam Dür and Chung-Piaw Teo: Copositive Optimization.
    OPTIMA 89, Newsletter of the Mathematical Optimization Society, August 2012, pp. 2-8.
  • Mirjam Dür and Chris Tofallis: Neutral Data Fitting from an Optimisation Viewpoint.
    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Optimization 2005 in Almeria, Spain, pp. 91-96.
  • Mirjam Dür: Review of the book Convex Optimization by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 61 (2005), 521-522.
  • Mirjam Dür: Review of the book Mathematics of Optimization: Smooth and Nonsmooth Case by G. Giorgi, A. Guerraggio, and J. Thierfelder.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 61 (2005), 171-172.





PhD thesis
