Physikalisches Kolloquium
Die Vortr?ge finden w?hrend der Vorlesungszeit montags im H?rsaalzentrum Physik ( Geb?ude T) Raum 1004T um 16:15 Uhr statt.
Sommersemester 2025
05.05.2025 um 12 Uhr, AI-Boosted Exploration of Materials Properties,? Abstract
Prof. Davide Donadio, University of California Davis
Achtung: Onlinestream aus der Uni Bayreuth, der Link wird rechtzeitig per Email versandt bzw. auf der Homepage ver?ffentlicht. Pers?nliche Gespr?che sind am 8.5.2025 m?glich
19.5.2025, Disorder-driven quantum interferences in epitaxially grown oxide heterostructures, Abstract
Dr. German Hammerl, Universit?t Augsburg -
02.06.2025, Static and dynamic depth profiling of magnetic multilayers using advanced x-ray reflectivity and spectroscopy techniques, Abstract
Dr. Timo Kuschel, Universit?t Bielefeld/Johannes Gutenberg-Universit?t Mainz -
16.06.2025, Driving Chiral Spin Textures: From Currents to Light and Chaos,? Abstract
Dr. Kai Litzius; Universit?t Augsburg -
30.06.2025, Correlated topological matter: news and views from quantum simulation,? Abstract
Prof. Nathan Goldman, Collège de France, International Solvay Institutes and Université Libre de Bruxelles - 14.07.2025, Antrittsvorlesungen, Prof. Dr. Jan Lipfert & Prof. Dr. Marein Rahn, Universit?t Augsburg
Wintersemester 2024/2025
- 21.10.2024, Ultrafast Spectroscopy - A Glimpse into the Life of Electrons in Condensed Matter,
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller, Universit?t Augsburg - 21.10.2024, Quantum Material’s Control and Quantum Nonlinear Optics in Cavity QED,
Prof. Francesco Piazza, Universit?t Augsburg - 04.11.2024, Chiral helimagnetic insulators,
Dr. Aisha Aqeel, Universit?t Augsburg - 18.11.2024, Advanced magnetic materials for efficient energy, transport and cooling applications,
Prof. Oliver Gutfleisch, Technische Universit?t Darmstadt - 02.12.2024, Nanoswitches: resistively switching chalcogenides and their future potential for nonvolatile memory and neuromorphic computing,
Prof. Joachim Mayer, RWTH Aachen - 20.01.2025, Molecules on metal surfaces: A Kondo laboratory,
Prof. Frank Stefan Tautz, Forschungszentrum Jülich - 03.02.2025, Untersuchung schwerer exotischer Mesonen mit Hilfe von Gitter-QCD,
Prof. Dr. Marc Wagner, Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt am Main
Sommersemester 2024
- 15.04.2024, Molecular Dynamics and Computational Spectroscopy for Systems in Soft Condensed Phases,
Dr. Christian Wiebeler, Universit?t Augsburg - 22.04.2024, Theoretical Modeling of Soft Biophysical Interfaces,
Dr. Susanne Liese, Universit?t Augsburg - 06.05.2024, Interplay of Digitization and Simulation in the Quest for New Functional Materials,
Prof. Dr. Marek Sierka, FSU Jena - 20.05.2024, Pfingstmontag (Feiertag)
- 03.06.2024, Physik und Gesellschaft - oder Natur und Freiheit,
Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch, LMU München
!!! ACHTUNG !!! Vortrag findet in Geb?ude C, Gro?es H?rsaalzentrum (H?rsal I) statt. - 17.06.2024, Non-thermal phases of strongly correlated electrons,
Prof. Martin Eckstein, Uni Hamburg - 01.07.2024, The tragic destiny of Mileva Mari? Einstein,
Dr. Pauline Gagnon, Indiana University (retired), Bloomington, USA
- 15.07.2024, Some Materials Science Aspects behind Sustainable Steel Production,
Prof. Dr. Dierk Raabe, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
Wintersemester 2023/24
- 23.10.2023, Antrittsvorlesungen,
Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber & Prof. Dr. Felix Büttner, Universit?t Augsburg - 06.11.2023, Hybrid magnonics,
Prof. Mathias Weiler, TU Kaiserslautern-Landau - 20.11.2023, Bachelorb?rse
- 04.12.2023, Functional Colloidal Mesostructures: From Optics to Thermal Transport,
Prof. Dr. Markus Retsch, Universit?t Bayreuth - 18.12.2023, Dissipative Bosonic Transport,
Prof. Dr. Peter Rabl, TU München - 15.01.2024, From atoms to black holes: with nanotechnology to next-level precision experiments,
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Kroker, TU Braunschweig - 29.01.2024, Antrittsvorlesungen
Prof. Dr. Mónica Benito-González & Prof. Dr. Abhinav Sharma, Universit?t Augsburg
Sommersemester 2023
- 24.04.2023, Antrittsvorlesungen
Prof. Fabian Pauly & Prof. Janina Bahnemann, U Augsburg - 08.05.2023, Novel Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Optically Induced Conversion Processes
Prof. Jochen Feldmann, LMU München - 22.05.2023, Higher-Dimensional Topology and Fractional States of Matter in Superconducting Systems
Prof. Wolfgang Belzig, U Konstanz - 05.06.2023, On the Way towards a Fusion Power Plant – Achievements and Challenges
Prof. Christian Linsmeier, Forschungszentrum Jülich - 19.06.2023, !!! ENTF?LLT !!! Molecules on Metal Surfaces: A Kondo Laboratory
Prof. Stefan Tautz, Forschungszentrum Jülich - 03.07.2023, Challenging Space-Time-Energy Limits of Magnetism by Harnessing Fluctuations
Prof. Johan Mentink, Radboud University Nijmegen - 17.07.2023, Antrittsvorlesungen
Prof. Nadine Schwierz & Prof. Markus Heyl, U Augsburg