

Dr. Cinzia Bettineschi

Excavation in the Iron Age village of Bostel

University of Augsburg, University of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy)


In 2022, the chair of Classical Archaeology of the University of Augsburg signed a joint agreement with the University of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy) for collaborating to the excavation of the protohistoric village of Bostel, in the municipality of Rotzo (Vicenza province, northern Italy) with dr. Cinzia Bettineschi as the scientific referent of the research.

The settlement of Bostel lays on a sunny promontory ca. 850 m above sea level, in a strategic location connecting the lowlands of Veneto and the Alps. The site was discovered in 1781 and soon after it started to attract the attention of several influential archaeologists and local scholars, especially in the golden age of the Italian protohistory in the late 19th century. However, the first scientific excavations were carried out only in 1912 on behalf of the Venetian Soprintendenza. After a brief campaign in 1969, the investigations reopened only in 1993 with the scientific direction of prof. Armando De Guio, University of Padova. From 2021, the excavation permission moved to the University of Sassari, in the person of Dr. Luigi Magnini.

From a chronological perspective, the area was first frequented during the Late Bronze Age, but all the house units unearthed until now belong to the major occupation cycle of the Second Iron Age (6th-1st century BC), which was abruptly interrupted by a widespread fire in correspondence with the Romanization of the area.

From the cultural point of view, the site belongs to the so-called Magré culture, with hybrid influences both from the Fritzens-Sanzeno, aka Raetic world (alphabet, ritual activities, ponderal system, building technology) and the ancient Veneto (most common material culture types).

Recently, the site has been the heart of two major POR-FESR regional projects with European fundings, which promoted an innovative communication strategy based on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 3D modeling, immersive cinema, and gamification for the archaeological park and its Museum.



Dr. Cinzia Bettineschi: cinzia.bettineschi@philhist.uni-augsburg.de

Major info at: wwww.progettostempa.com

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Recent Publications
  • Bettineschi, Cinzia; Fiorentin, Anna; Magnini, Luigi; Marchesini, Marco; De Guio, Armando: in press, “Tecnologia edilizia e determinazione dei resti lignei da una struttura produttiva della seconda età Ferro al Bostel di Rotzo (VI)”, in Jacopo Bonetto, Caterina Previato (Hg.), Proceedings of the Conference Clay, Timber and Perishable Materials in Ancient Architecture (Padua, 3-5 June 2021), Costruire nel Mondo Antico, Roma: Quasar.
  • Bettineschi, Cinzia; Angelini, Ivana; Gratuze, Bernard?(2021):?Sulle tracce dei più antichi vetri dell’Altopiano dei Sette Comuni Vicentini.?In: Luigi Magnini, Cinzia Bettineschi, Laura Burigana (Hg.):?Traces of complexity: studi in onore di Armando De Guio = studies in honour of Armando De Guio.?Quingentole: Società Archaeologica (SAP), S. 261-278.
  • Griggio, Elena; Michielin, Anna; Venco, Veronica?(2021):?Il faggio e la capra: il paleoambiente del Bostel alla luce degli studi archeobotanici e archeozoologici.?In: Luigi Magnini, Cinzia Bettineschi, Laura Burigana (Hg.):?Traces of complexity: studi in onore di Armando De Guio = studies in honour of Armando De Guio.?Quingentole: Società Archaeologica (SAP), S. 261-278.
  • Fiorentin, Anna; Pieragostini, Francesco; Marchesini, Marco?(2021):?I materiali in bronzo e in ferro dal Bostel di Rotzo: alcune note preliminari.?In: Luigi Magnini, Cinzia Bettineschi, Laura Burigana (Hg.):?Traces of complexity: studi in onore di Armando De Guio = studies in honour of Armando De Guio.?Quingentole: Società Archaeologica (SAP), S. 261-278.
  • Magnini, Luigi; Bettineschi, Cinzia?(2021):?Object-based predictive modeling (OBPM) for archaeology: finding control places in mountainous environments.?In:?Remote Sensing?13?(6), S. 1197.?DOI: 10.3390/rs13061197
  • Magnini, Luigi; Bettineschi, Cinzia; De Guio, Armando; Burigana, Laura; Pedersoli, Stefano; Griggio, Elena?(2020):?Non solo scavo: novità dal Bostel di Rotzo (VI) a venticinque anni dall’avvio delle indagini dell’Università di Padova.?In:?FOLD&R Italy - The Journal of Fasti Online?(473), S. 1-18.
  • Magnini, L.; Bettineschi, Cinzia; De Guio, A.; Burigana, L.; Colombatti, C.; Aboudan, A.?(2019):?Multisensor-multiscale approach in studying the proto-historic settlement of Bostel in northern Italy.?In:?Archeologia e Calcolatori?30, S. 347-365.?DOI: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.20
  • De Guio, Armando; Magnini, Luigi; Bettineschi, Cinzia?(2017):?Bostel di Rotzo: le novità della campagna 2014.?In:?Preistoria Alpina?49, S. 33-36.
  • Magnini, Luigi; Bettineschi, Cinzia; De Guio, Armando?(2017):?Il sito protostorico del Bostel di Rotzo: note di aggiornamento sugli scavi in corso.?In: Giulia Deotto, Cinzia Bettineschi, Luigi Magnini, Luca Toninello (Hg.):?Progetto Horus: visioni dall'alto dello spazio archeologico.?Padova: Padova University Press, S. 13-20.
