


Responding to Complex Diversity in Europe and Canada

Welcome to the RECODE Website


RECODE is a research networking programme financed through the European Science Foundation (ESF).

This interdisciplinary, comparative research programme is intended to explore to what extent the processes of transnationalisation, migration, religious mobilisation and cultural differentiation entail a new configuration of social conflict in post-industrial societies. Such a possible new constellation we here label complex diversity. The leading idea is that such diversity is developing at a global level, but particularly in European-style societies, where social entitlements, supranational policies and cultural diversity enjoy a considerable, but often contradictory degree of legitimacy. In this perspective, Canada offers some interesting similarities and contrasts with Europe.

RECODE correspondingly brings together scholars from across Europe and Canada. Our project tries to identify the cleavages and normative issues that this new constellation raises on both sides of the Atlantic, and to develop expertise in the institutions, public policies and cultural resources that can respond to them. The thematic focus of the programme covers the areas of linguistic diversity and political communication, religious pluralism, transnationalism and, finally, multiculturalism and welfare state policies.

The running period of the ESF RECODE Research Networking Programme is from June 2010 to November 2014.

Download RECODE information brochure here:

Download RNP executive summary here:





Update 2018: Books published


Francisco Colom González and Gianni D’Amato (eds.), 2017:

Routledge, London/New York


Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka (eds.), 2017:

Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York



John Erik Fossum, Riva Kastoryano and Birte Siim (eds.), 2018:

Palgrave Macmillan, London


Fran?ois Grin and Peter A. Kraus (eds.), 2018:

John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia

