

Danica Stojanovic

Akademischer Lebenslauf

Okt 2013 - Jul 2017 - BA English Language, Literature and Culture, Universit?t Belgrad, Philologische Fakult?t


Okt 2017 - Nov 2018 - MA English Language, Literature and Culture, Universit?t Belgrad, Philologische Fakult?t


Apr 2018 - Sep 2020 - MA English and American Studies, Universit?t Augsburg


Okt 2020 - Heute?- PhD English Philology, Universit?t Augsburg


Fantasy is one of the most beloved genres of fiction that has evaded academic research for decades before entering academia in all its magical glory. In spite of its prevalence in popular culture and media, fantasy on the stage is not commonly addressed from a scholarly perspective. This project aims to rectify that by comprehensively tackling the process of adapting various contemporary fantasy sources for the stage. The dissertation operates within the matrix od adaptation studies, popular culture studies, theatre analysis and impacts of intermedial and participatory cultures on the stage. The thesis considers contemporary fantasy plays, including Wicked, the musical, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the Ocean at the End of the Lane as well as the magical universe of Philip Pullman adapted as His Dark Materials and The Book of Dust. Not only does this dissertation analyse the selected texts in their narrative aspects, but it addresses tools and techniques used to adapt secondary worlds in order to transcend simple theatre of illusion and physical limitations of the stage and conventional reality. As a result, the chosen plays exist and interact both with audiences and, more importantly, various other genres and media types, borrowing from and inspiring further theatrical developments. The project aims to examine the intricate relationship between these media, bringing about not only the novelty of studying fantasy theatre, but also intermediality in popular cultures with emphasis on stage adaptations with a view to carving a new, prolific research niche in fantasy studies.


Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Interessensgebiete

-???? Adaption

-???? Fantastikforschung

-???? Popul?re Kultur und Media

-???? Partizipative Kultur

-???? Intermedialit?t im Theater

-???? Theater Und Film Narratologie

-? ? ?Fantasytheater und seine Einflüsse



"Theatrical (Hyper)Reality: The Effects of Breaking Formal Boundaries in Every Brilliant Thing.” Over The Horizon, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, London, 2020, pp. 81-100.


"Postmodernism and the Populist Other,” Journal of the International Symposium of Students of English, Croatian and Italian Studies, Studentski Zbor Sveucilista u Splitu, Split, 2018, pp. 154-171.


"Eleven Days." My English Book Anthology, The English Book, Belgrade 2013.


In Vorbereitung: "Subversive Dragons in Terry Pratchett's Works.” St. Thomas University, Miami.


In Vorbereitung: "Mythopoeia in American Gods." Mythopoetic Society.


Preise und Stipendien

2019 - 2020 - Deutschlandstipendium, Universit?t Augsburg

2020 - DAAD Abschlussstipendium, Universit?t Augsburg



Konferenz Pr?sentation: "Harry Potter and the Magic of Modern Mythology." Harry Potter Conference, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA, 2021 [virtual].


Konferenz Pr?sentation: "Mythopoeia in American Gods." The Mythopoeic Society’s Annual Conference, 2021 [virtual].


Konferenz Pr?sentation: "Theatrical Hyperreality in Duncan Macmillan's Every Brilliant Thing." Over the Horizon Conference, London Centre for Interdisciplinary research, London 2019.


Konferenz Pr?sentation: "Exclusive Feminism -Double Marginalisation of Women of Colour and Its Consequences.” 10th European Feminist Research Conference, G?ttingen 2018.


Konferenz Pr?sentation: "Postmodernism and the Populist Other.” Second International Symposium of Students of English, Croatian and Italian Studies, Split 2017


Vortrag: Alexander Genis's book Reading Classes, Dom Kulture Studentski Grad, Belgrade 2016.


Organisierungskomitee des "NELK Annual Student Conference: Experimental and Interactive Storytelling," 2021.

