

Jan-Oliver Wülfing M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lehrstuhl für Menschzentrierte Künstliche Intelligenz
Telefon: +49 (821) 598-2322
Raum: 2016 (N)
Sprechzeiten: n.V.
Adresse: Universit?tsstra?e 6a, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum Vitae

He has worked in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering since 2009 – especially on Voice Output Communication Aids and their emotional expressiveness.

He holds a M.A. in Computational Linguistics.
He studied at the University of Trier, Germany (1997-2005),
and at the University College Dublin, Ireland (2001-2002).

Currently, he is doing his PhD with the preliminary titlte 'What are Implications of Prosodic Speech for Augmented Communicators'. (partially funded by PROMI - Promotion inklusive and the employment centre)

He worked at the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany: First, at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI from 2006, and then at the Fraunhofer-Institute Centre Birlinghoven Castle from 2009 till 2014. From 2006 till 2009, he did his duty in the project PHOSPHORUS (Lambda User Controlled Infrastructure for European Research) funded by the European Union – annotating and implementing a Resource Selection Service in the Grid Middleware including the design of ontologies.

He is also certified as a Usability Engineer.
He is disabled (Cerebral Palsy, Dysarthria).

Bachelor and Master theses for students

I offer different topics

all in the field of Expressive Speech Synthesis and Alternative and Augmentive Communication


come in, let? s talk


Past Projects

  • 'Design of an Employer?s Guide for the Inclusion of People with Complex Communication Needs in an Ergonomically Designed Regular Workplace', Voice@Work (funded by the German Social Accident Insurance)
  • 'Lambda User Controlled Infrastructure for European Research' PHOSPHORUS (funded by the EU)


  • Wülfing, J.-O. What are considerations of prosodic features for a VOCA used by speech-impaired people? 56th Linguistics Colloquium. (planned to appear in spring 2024 with Peter Lang). https://sites.google.com/view/lingcoll
  • Wülfing, J.-O. Mit KI zu mehr Teilhabe in der Arbeitswelt. Potenziale, Einsatzm?glichkeiten und Herausforderungen. Whitepaper Plattform Lernende Systeme, München (2023). (Visiting Writer). https://doi.org/10.48669/pls_2023-4

  • Wülfing, J.-O. (2022). EmotionTalker - what's about emotions in SGDs? AAC in the Cloud. https://presenters.aacconference.com/videos/UXpVelFUSXk=
  • Wülfing, J.-O., Dang C.T. & André E. (2020) Synthesising Expressive Speech – Which Synthesiser for VOCAs?. In: Sojka P., Kope?ek I., Pala K., Horák A. (eds) Text, Speech, and Dialogue. TSD 2020. LNCS, vol 12284. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58323-1_43
  • Wülfing, J.-O. & André, E. (2018). Progress to a VOCA with Prosodic Synthesised Speech. In: K. Miesenberger & G. Kouroupetroglou (eds),?16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP), 539-546. LNCS, vol. 10896. Springer, Cham (Swiss). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94277-3_84
  • Wülfing, J.-O. & André, E. (2018). Towards a VOCA with Expressive Synthesised Speech In: Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the.German Linguistic Society (DGfS), 331. Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Wülfing, J.-O., Maydych, V., Hofmann, B. & Werner, G. (2014). Inklusion in den 1. Arbeitsmarkt - es geht! Leitfaden zur gesundheitsgerechten Gestaltung von Arbeit für unterstützt kommunizierende Personen. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft München.(Design of an Employer?s Guide for the Inclusion of People with Complex Communication Needs in an Ergonomically Designed Regular Workplace).?????
  • Wülfing, J.-O. (2013). Wie kann ein Konzept für unterstützt kommunizierende Personen im regul?ren Erwerbsleben aussehen? In: A. Hallbauer, T. Hallbauer & M. Hüning-Meier (Hrsg.), UK kreativ! Wege in der unterstützten Kommunikation (320-325). von Loeper Literaturverlag, Karlsruhe.
  • Wülfing, J.-O. (2013). Wie kann die Inklusion von unterstützt kommunizierenden Personen in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt gelingen? In: Unterstützte Kommunikation, 2, 48.
  • Wülfing, J.-O. (2013). Voice@Work - Unterstützte Kommunikation. In: DGUV-Forum, 3, 22f. www.dguv-forum.de
  • Wülfing, J.-O, & Hoffmann, L. (2011). What does it mean to communicate (not) emotionally? In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies, 94–100. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • Hoffmann, L., Wülfing, J.-O. (2011). Elektronische Kommunikationshilfen: Emotionen sprechen lassen. In: Unterstützte Kommunikation, 1, 49.
  • Hoffmann, L. & Wülfing, J.-O. (2010). Usability of Electronic Communication Aids in the Light of Daily Use. In: Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 259. Barcelona, Spain.
  • some German notes on fit-fuer-usability.de
  • some technical papers in the project PHOSPHORUS

Magister Artium

  • Modelling a Communicative Task-Agent based on Speech Acts, 2005? (Modellierung eines kommunikativen Auftragsagenten unter Berücksichtigung der Sprechakttheorie)

Programme Comittee

  • Workshop of Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (EMNLP2011)
  • Workshop of Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (NAACL HLT 2012)
  • Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (Interspeech 2013)
  • Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (ACL 2022)

Research Period

  • "Picturing Language: A 'How-To' Workshop", Bruce Baker, December 2010, Pittsburgh, PA.

Guest Lecture

  • 'Voice@Work', October 2013, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, Germany
  • 'Employment Issues faced by People who use AAC - a German Perspective', February 2015, University of Dundee, Scotland
  • ‘EmotionTalker - Intonation?? ?? ’, March 2020, RegioFo (HEP-School), Schw?bisch Hall, Germany
  • 'KI-Unterstützte Kommunikation: Ausdrucksstarke Stimmen und Natürliche Geb?rden' (Keynote) and 'Ausdruckstarke Stimmen und natürliche Geb?rden: Hands-On Workshop mit Demo zum Ausprobieren' (Workshop), together with Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Andre, April 2024, 7. Fachtagung zur Unterstützten Kommunikation, Dominikus-Ringeisen-Werk, Ursberg, Germany


  • ACL SIG on Speech & Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
  • German Society for Computational Linguistics & Language Technology
  • Nationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versorgungsforschung
