

Polizei- und Sicherheitsforscher Prof. Kaunert im Sommer am Lehrstuhl

Prof. Dr. Christian Kaunert, Direktor des International Centre for Policing and Security at the University of South Wales, UK, und Jean Monnet Chair in EU Counter-Terrorism wird im Rahmen des Gastdozentenprogramms voraussichtlich im Wintersemester 2020/21 an den Forschungsprojekten des Lehrstuhls und dem MA-Lehrprogramm mitwirken.

Lassen Sie mich meine Person vorstellen. Ich bin urspr¨¹nglich aus Augsburg und habe meinen Abiturabschluss am Holbein-Gymnasium Augsburg gemacht. Ich bin derzeitig Full Professor of Policing and Security, sowie Director, International Centre for Policing and Security, University of South Wales.? Ich bin auch Inhaber des Jean Monnet Lehrstuhls EU Counter-Terrorism (2018-2021). Ich war zuvor Professor of International Politics und Inhaber des Jean Monnet Lehrstuhl¡¯s EU¡¯s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (2013-2016) an der University of Dundee in Gro?britannien und auch an der Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Ich habe 2006 an der University of Wales Aberystwyth in Gro?britannien in International Relations promoviert, der ?ltesten und besten Universit?t im Bereich der Internationalen Politik seit 1919. Dort graduierte ich auch 2002 mit einem Master (MScEcon) in EU Politik.


Prof. Dr. Christian Kaunert is Chair of Policing and Security, as well as Director of the International Centre for Policing and Security at the University of South Wales. He is also the Leader of the Cognate Research Group on Policing and Security at the University of South Wales. Previously, he served as an Academic Director and Professor at the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a Professor of International Politics, Head of Discipline in Politics, and the Director of the European Institute for Security and Justice, a Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence, at the University of Dundee. Prof Kaunert has researched and taught in many international universities, such as University of Shandong, Jinan, China, IBEI Barcelona, Spain, Diplomatic Academy Yerevan, Armenia ¨C United Nations Development Mission, University of Cairo, Egypt, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy, Ecole nationale d¡¯administration Paris, European Institute of Public Administration Maastricht, Netherlands, European Studies Institute (ESI) at Moscow, University of Porto, Portugal, Universidad de Antioquia Medellin, Universidad de La Sabana Bogota, and Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia, University of Berkeley, California, Metropolitan University of Prague, University of Catania, Italy, Charles Sturt University, Sidney, Australia, Olympia Summer Academy, Nafplion, Greece, NATO Counter-Terrorism Centre of Excellence, Ankara, Turkey, and the IDC Herzliya, Israel, etc. He was previously Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee, Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow at the European University Institute Florence, and Senior Lecturer in EU Politics & International Relations, University of Salford. He has been awarded with a prestigious Jean Monnet Chair in EU Justice and Home Affairs Policy and EU Counter-Terrorism (2012, 2013, 2017 and 2018), and received a prestigious Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (from 2012-2016), the latter held at the University of Dundee. He is currently the Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies, International Conflict and Cooperation and the Edward Elgar Book Series ¡®European Security and Justice Critiques¡¯. He has also previously been the Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER), on the Executive Committee member of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), and an Expert for the European Parliament. He is also on the editorial board of the journal European Politics and Society (EPS) and the Journal of European Integration (JEI). His successful application for a Marie Curie Senior research fellowship at the EUI was ranked in the top 1% of all applications received (98.5% as total score). Prof. Kaunert holds a PhD in International Politics & an MSc in European Politics from the University of Wales Aberystwyth, a BA (Hons) European Business from Dublin City University, ESB Reutlingen and a BA (Hons) Open University.
His research has a clear focus on Policing and International Security, especially in the area of EU Counter-Terrorism, including its external dimension, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism, and International Relations more generally. He is the author of several articles on EU counter-terrorism, EU asylum and migration, EU Justice and Home Affairs and wider global security matters. His articles have appeared in journals, such as European Security, Journal of European Integration, Journal of European Public Policy, Terrorism and Political Violence, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Intelligence and National Security, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, European Political Science, and the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, amongst many others. His monograph ¡®European Internal Security: towards supranational governance¡¯ has been published with Manchester University Press (2010), while a second book with Dr Kamil Zwolski on the ¡®EU as a Global Security Actor¡¯ has been published with Palgrave (2013).
His experience as supervisor is directly reflected by the organization of numerous PhD Summer Schools, twelve international conferences, member of fourteen conference panels, participation in ninety two conferences as a guest speaker, supervision of about eighty Master theses, supervisor of twelve completed PhD theses and several ongoing PhD theses; five postdocs have been supervised successfully at the time of writing. He has frequently commented for UK and international media (Al-Jazeera, USA Today) on terrorism issues.


?????????? Policing, Criminal Justice, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism

?????????? European Security: EU Justice and Home Affairs, or the EU¡¯s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice;

?????????? European Union Politics and European Foreign Policy;

?????????? International Relations Theory and International & Supranational Organisations;

?????????? Asylum, Migration, and Borders;


I can supervise students interested in the following topics: Policing and security, terrorism and counter-terrorism; international security; European Union and wider European security; refugees and migration; international relations;
I have successfully supervised the following PhD students:

Dr Kamil Zwolski (Viva passed 2011): ¡®The Role of the EU as an International Security Actor¡¯ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner: Prof. Richard Whitman, University of Bath;

Dr Hailong Li (2009): ¡®EU-US Transatlantic Relations¡¯ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard);

Dr Sergei Mudrov (Viva passed 2012): ¡®The Role of Churches and Religion in European Integration¡¯ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner: Dr Lucian Leustan, Aston University;

Dr Alexander MacKenzie (Viva passed 2012): ¡®The External Dimension of the EU Counter-terrorism Policy¡¯ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner: Dr Oldrich Bures, Metropolitan University Prague;

Dr Stephen Rozee (Viva passed 2013): ¡®The European Union as a Comprehensive Actor in Policing¡¯ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner Prof John Occhipinti, Canisius College, Buffalo;

Dr Ulrike Hoffmann (Viva passed 2013): ¡®The Influence of Pro-Migrant Groups within the Shaping Process of the EU Asylum and Migration Policy¡¯ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner Dr James Hampshire, University of Sussex

Dr Edwin Edzeokafor (Viva passed 2014): West Africa and securitization theory (supervised with Dr. Cameron Ross); External Examiner Dr Georgios Karyotis, University of Glasgow.

Dr. Briony Callander (Viva passed October 2015): The Role of the EU in Aviation Security (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner Dr Javier Argomaniz, University of St Andrews.

Dr Ikrom Yakubov (Viva passed 2017): Terrorism, Securitization and Intelligence in Europe and the USA (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner Dr Jonathan Colman, UCLAN, UK.

Dr Nikolaos Nikolakakis (Viva passed 2017): EU and the European Left Parties (supervised with Dr. Richard Dunphy); External Examiner Dr Luke March, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Dr Eric Halford (Viva passed 2017): Geographical Profiling Within Volume Crime and its Potential for Everyday Use within UK Policing (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard);

Dr Dele Kogbe (PhD submission November 2019): Regional Integration Africa (ECOWAS) and Europe compared (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard; Prof Cameron Ross). External Examiner Dr Toni Haastrup, University of Stirling.


Full-Time Appointments in Academia:

(1) Teaching Staff (part-time) International Politics & Assistant Warden, University of Wales Aberystwyth, UK (01/01/02 ¨C 31/08/05);

(2) Lecturer in European Politics, University of Wales Aberystwyth, UK (01/09/05 ¨C 31/08/06);

(3) Lecturer in International Relations and European Foreign Policy, Universiteit Maastricht, the Netherlands (01/09/06 ¨C 31/12/06);

(4) Lecturer in EU Politics and International Relations, University of Salford, UK (01/01/2007 ¨C 30/06/2011);

(5) Senior Lecturer in EU Politics and International Relations, University of Salford, UK (01/07/2011 ¨C 30/09/2012);

(6) Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, (01/10/2010- 30/09/2012); funding awarded: € 165,739.40 (top 1% of all applications made).

(7) Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Politics, University of Dundee, UK (01/10/2012 ¨C 31/12/2013)

(8) Professor of International Politics, University of Dundee, UK (01/01/2014 ¨C 09/2016)

(9) Professor of Political Science & Academic Director, Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussels (09/2016 ¨C 12/2017)

Visiting Appointments in Academia:

(1) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Shandong, Jinan, China (November 2007);

(2) Research Fellow/Professor: IBEI Barcelona, Spain (01/02/2010 ¨C 30/09/2010);

(3) Invited Visiting Professor: Diplomatic Academy Yerevan, Armenia ¨C United Nations Development Mission (UNDP) (April/May 2011);

(4) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Cairo, Egypt (October/November 2011);

(5) Visiting Research Fellow/Professor: Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy (01/05/2012 ¨C 31/07/2012).

(6) Invited Visiting Professor: Ecole nationale d¡¯administration (ENA) Paris, France (April 2013)

(7) Invited Visiting Professor: European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) Maastricht, Netherlands ¨C (October 2013)

(8) Invited Visiting Professor: European Studies Institute (ESI) at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) (MGIMO), in collaboration with the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium), Moscow, Russia (November 2013)

(9) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Porto, Portugal (May 2014)

(10) Invited Visiting Professor: Universidad de Antioquia Medellin, Universidad de La Sabana Bogota, and Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia (August & September 2014)

(11) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Cairo, Egypt (November 2014);

(12) Research Fellow/Professor: United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM), Barcelona, Spain (01/04/2015 ¨C 31/08/2015);

(13) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Tunis, Tunisia (October 2015);

(14) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Cairo, Egypt (November/December 2015);

(15) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Berkeley, California, USA (December 2016);

(16) Invited Visiting Professor: Charles University of Prague & Metropolitan University of Prague, Czechia, Feb. 2017);

(17) Invited Visiting Professor: ESB Reutlingen, Germany (March 2017);

(18) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Catania, Italy (June 2017)

(19) Invited Visiting Professor: Renmin University China (December 2017 & June 2018)

(20) Invited Visiting Professor: Olympia Summer Academy, Nafplion, Greece (July 2018)

(21) Invited Visiting Professor: Charles Sturt University, Sidney, Australia (November 2018)

(22) Invited Visiting Professor: Dutch Police Academy, Apeldoorn, Netherlands (May 2019)

(23) Invited Visiting Professor: NATO Counter-Terrorism Centre of Excellence, Ankara, Turkey (September 2019)

(24) Invited Visiting Professor: IDC Herzliya, Israel (September & December 2019)

(25) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Pisa, Italy (May 2020)

(26) Invited Visiting Professor: University of Augsburg, Germany (June, July and August 2020)

(27) Invited Visiting Professor: NATO Counter-Terrorism Centre of Excellence, Ankara, Turkey (September 2020)

Non-Academic Work Experience:

(1)?????? Marketing, Ceric France, Paris: 01/06/1998 ¨C 31/07/1998;

(2)?????? Development Finance, Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico: 01/08/1998 ¨C 30/09/1998;

(3)?????? Corporate Finance and Consulting, Deloitte & Touche Dublin, Ireland: 01/04/1999 ¨C 31/08/1999;

(4)?????? Consulting, Plaut Strategy Consulting, Munich, Germany: 15/06/2000 ¨C 31/08/2000.

Fachtagung "Kommunen im Fokus: Konflikten begegnen, Erfahrungen b¨¹ndeln, Zukunft gestalten"


Im Kontext des Forschungsprojekts ? ¡° (PaWiKo)?wirkten? und an der Interkommunalen Fachtagung des am 24./25. September im Wissenschaftspark Gelsenkirchen mit.


Gemeinsam mit Eva H?rle, Referentin f¨¹r Wissenschaft & Lehre beim Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst, pr?sentierte Markus Kaistra auf der Fachtagung die Konzeption und Herangehensweise des partizipativen Forschungsprojekts PaWiKo. Darin forschen Wissenschaftler:innen und Praktiker:innen gemeinsam zu den Wirkungen der Kommunalen Konfliktberatung in Kommunen. Es geht darum, mit wissenschaftlichen Analysen die Wirkungen solcher Beratungsprozesse zu erfassen, um die Konfliktbearbeitung in Kommunen besser zu verstehen und damit eine praxisnahe Reflexion zu erm?glichen, auf deren Grundlage eine Weiterentwicklung der Kommunalen Konfliktberatung stattfinden kann.?


Der Erfahrungsaustausch mit den Teilnehmenden an der Fachtagung aus Politik, Kommunalverwaltung, Polizei, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft richtete sich vor allem auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens und die verschiedenen praktischen Ans?tze und Bem¨¹hungen, diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen und die damit einhergehenden Konflikte in konstruktiver Weise zu bearbeiten. Kommunale Konfliktberatung leistet dazu vielf?ltige Beitr?ge, die zugleich stetige Anpassung und Weiterentwicklung erfordern, um die intendierten Wirkungen zu erzielen; dazu leistet das Partizipative Forschungsprojekt PaWiKo seine wissenschaftlichen Beitr?ge.
