

Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers (SAfJR) Ulm, 13th - 15th September, 2023

SAfJR is an event that is aimed at career-young statisticians with an interest in survival analysis and related research areas. The conference offers an excellent opportunity for young researchers to present and discuss their work with participants at a s


The conference will start on Wednesday the 13th of September at 9:00 and end on Friday the 15th around 12:00. The first half of Wednesday is dedicated to the short course, the second half will be contributed talks. A poster session is planned on Wednesday evening. The second day there will be contributed talks, one invited talk and the conference dinner. On the third day there will be more contributed talks and another invited talk.


Target Group

Early stage researchers and statisticians, such as

  • "Newbie" researchers and statisticians
  • Post-docs
  • PhD students
  • Postgraduate students

Anyone who does not consider themselves as a "young researcher or statistician" is also welcome to attend and present their work.


Invited Speakers

  • Tutorial of Torsten Hothorn, University of Zurich (CH)
  • Keynote talk of Torben Martinussen, University of Copenhagen (DK)
  • Keynote talk of Caroline Foch and Jan Feifel, Merck Healthcare KGaA (GER)
